Sierra Blanca, one last time

Back in my blogging days, no post got more unexpected attention than the one I did on Tom D Ellison, my mother’s first cousin. While I traveled to Texas with plans to meet him, others just happened across Tom in their West Texas travels, came home and googled him, and found my post. We all agreed: he was truly a remarkable man. Sadly, Tom passed away in December after spending his last months away from his beloved garage. But he returned there with an honor guard, before being laid to rest next to his beloved “Tootlehopper.”

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And now it’s time for one last hurrah in Sierra Blanca for the Williams family, who arrived there in 1911. On June 1st, Tom’s amazing collection of everything-you-can-imagine will be auctioned (after a tremendous amount of preparation work by his direct heirs).  And a cluster of Williams descendants will be on hand to bear witness to the event. My first cousins and I have not seen each other in many years and I think Tom would be pleased that we will be there in solidarity with those whose job it is turn off the lights after a remarkable run.

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For more information about the auction, because if you are within driving distance, you will want to be there:

Photos courtesy of Roger C. Ellison.

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